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Free Webinar - Recruiting participants

27 January 2016

We are hosting a series of webinars for both early and late stage researchers who are looking to recruit human participants for their research. Grab this opportunity to find out how you can use Call For Participants for free to help you promote you research study and recruit participants.

Sounds great! What will I learn?

We have compiled great content for you with a focus on communicating your research to the public clearly, consistently and, effectively. We'll even throw in some helpful tips on how to use various social media channels.

Webinar objectives:

  • Learn how to communicate your research study to the public
  • Understand how to increase the number of participants that take part
  • Learn about how best target participant communities using social media

Do I have to be a professor to tune in?

Absolutely not! The webinar is aimed at researchers at all different stages of their career, so whether you are an undergraduate or postgraduate student, post-doc or the most distinguished researcher in your field, all are welcome and there is something for everybody to learn.

Perfect. But... when is it?

Good question! We offer three dates for taking part - February 10th , 17th and 24th @ 18:00 (GMT) / 10:00 (PST)

Register now

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About us

Call For Participants' mission is to provide a secure and trusted connection between researchers and participants, helping to increase public engagement and build a community of individuals interested in sharing and contributing to academic research. Learn more